Playing With Post-it Notes In A Pandemic

I’m on official quarantine until I get the results of my COVID-19 test in the next day or two. After I drove to Farmington to take the test this morning, I came home to an empty house for the first time since mid-March—because today was Suzanne’s first day back to work at the office. I decided to throw caution to the wind, and be the baddest bad I can think to be. I’m free!!! No more supervision!!! I’ve been a civilized, quiet camper in the house with Suzanne doing her job at home all these weeks. I have reined in my whims so I wouldn’t interrupt her scrupulous brainwork or any of her Zoom/Teams/FaceTime/etc. meetings. Today, I was finally free to turn up my music to decibel levels I could hear without my hearing aids.

That kept me interested for about 25 minutes. I tried really hard to come up with a gazillion wacky, house-based plans I could play out while unchaperoned and in quarantine—you know, things I haven’t been able to do with Suzanne here to keep an eye on me all day. But I couldn’t think of anything I want to do that I can’t do with her here to keep me in check. Maybe I’m just boring today. I did, however, break out the “good” Post-it Notes and go wild.

FYI If you are an office product aficionado like I am, you know exactly what I mean about the “good” Post-it Notes. They are the ones you rarely use because they are so cool you never want to run out of them. They are like the “good” staples (colored) or the “good” paper clips (coated and colored). I could go on about the “good” tape, pens, file folders, paper, and etc. But I won’t. Not right now anyway. Suzanne will be home from work in 10 minutes, and I have to come up with a believable reason for why I had time to play with Post-it Notes but couldn’t get the dishes done.

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