Overworked In Retirement

It has been a busy couple of days. A Snoopy Christmas tree Bow Tie o’ the Day will keep me in the proper spirit for yet another day of being Ms. Fix-it around the house and beyond. Our printer died a while back, and the new one showed up on the doorstep, whereupon I had to get the heavy thing into the house and up the stairs and onto the printer table. It was a two-person job, so I pretended to be two people. It is now sitting in its rightful place, waiting to be connected to all our electronic gadgets. That is one of today’s tasks. I’m at a stand-still with the end table I began assembling two days ago, because the “clear” instructions are opaque, to say the least. I’m still working on it. And last week, both of my hearing aids went kaput. I’ve been hearing only the low murmur of the world around me for an entire week. Because of the T-giving holiday, the first appointment I could get with my hearing doc is in 20 minutes. Thus, I must end here and now, in order to get there on time. Later, y’all.

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