Now, You Can’t Say You’ve Never Seen Me In A Dress

Y’all will be glad to know I ordered a gadget to help me digitize and clean up all these ancient slides I recently discovered. As soon as it gets here, the slide photos I post will be more seeable. TIE O’ THE DAY anecdotes based on the slides will improve lickety-split.

This afternoon, I’m too exhausted to even attempt a real story. I have not stopped erranding since Suzanne left for work this morning. What have I been doing? Well, I finally got Skitter’s new trailer attached to my bike, and I’ve been practicing making turns without turning over either the trailer or the bike, or both. I think I’m confident enough about safely dragging Skitter around in her new RV to actually take her on a trek early tomorrow before the heat hits.

Since I had to drive the car around in the pandemic world, in order to accomplish most of the tasks on my Honey-Do list, I grabbed a sandwich at the Chick-fil-A drive-up, where I learned cash money is no good. Only plastic money is accepted.

I then drove my car full o’ donations to the Bountiful Deseret Industries, only to find that right now you have to make an appointment to drop off your donations. I have an appointment there for sometime next week. I then checked in with the tattoo place I want to use, at which shop I learned I am required to make an appointment to make an appointment. ‘Tis true.

And then I went to Best Buy at Station Park to get the slide digitizer I mentioned earlier, so I could begin using it today. But you have to have an appointment to stand outside the store’s door and tell them what you need. You can’t go inside even if you have an appointment. You can make an appointment at Best Buy to pick up whatever you buy from them online and have shipped there. Why the heck would you have something shipped to Best Buy for you to make an appointment to pick up, instead of just having it shipped to your house? I decided it was better to not even ask the question out loud. I walked back to my car.

Anyhoo…I drove home and ordered the gadget online. But I had kinda hit my top nerve as far as not being able to actually finish any of my errands today, so I decided to just order the gadget through Amazon, and prime can deliver it right to my front door sometime next week. Errand done. With my current erranding luck, I fully expect the slide converter gadget will probably be delivered at the exact same time I have my appointment to drop off donations at D. I.—and the package will either require my signature before it can be left on the porch, or a package thief will pilfer it from my front porch before I arrive home in my donation-empty car.

Just sayin.’

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