More Miscellany O’ Christmas Neckwear

Bow Tie o’ the Day stars red and green…stars. My middle Tie o’ the Day presents snow falling on Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they ride downhill together on a sled. The remaining four Ties o’ the Day give us some active holiday penguins to gaze upon. My personal fave is the tie upon which we see penguins kicking field goals through the “goal posts” of a reindeer’s antlers.

I am running out of time to show off the balance of my festive neckwear, and I already have the neckwear for my New Year’s Eve posts set aside. That leaves me with tomorrow and New Year’s Day to present the remainder of my holiday collection. I sincerely hope I can do it. As much as I enjoy the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa season, I am jonesing to wear a regular, everyday piece of neckwear. And by “regular,” I mean regular in terms of my own version of regular. 🎀

Holiday Tie Tally: 195 Neckties. 75 Bow Ties.

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