Monday’s Aren’t So Bad

Paisley Tie o’ the Day was brave to be a part of this eye-injuring ensemble. The attire is goshdarn near-match-y, in its own way. I debated about whether to wear my cow Sloggers or my cowboy boots. I finally decided to wear the cow Sloggers, because—although the cowboy boots would mercifully cover up the glare of my fish belly-white chicken legs—they would also, unfortunately, cover up my taco socks. And here’s a little fashion tip no other fashion genius but I will ever tell you: Taco socks must be visible to onlookers at all times! Some style critics might call this outfit over-the-top. I call it “Happy Helen, Left Unsupervised On A Monday In June.” I’m rather proud of this clothing concoction. 🏆

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