Mom Sleeps Around

Mom visits her kids as often as she wants. And she sleeps like a log, according to her. Everywhere she goes, she keeps a nightie and a duster hanging in our closets. Today, her clothes wanted to guest star in Tie o’ the Day #1, which is a black and sea foam-colored tie by designers at little black tie. Duster is from Secret Treasures. Nightie has no label. Mom has probably worn it so often that it rubbed off.

These days Mom spends whole days in nighties and dusters. In winter, she adds her pajama bottoms.The other day, when I was driving the broads for our drinking, Mom was wearing her usual attire, but she was also wearing her earrings. She sports the same outfit, right down to the earrings, whenever the priesthood guys bring the sacrament to her at home when she isn’t able to make it to church. I don’t ask why about the earrings. It is what it is.

Mom wears rings only to church. I don’t think I ever saw her wear her wedding ring. She gave it to Suzanne a while back. And interestingly, Suzanne now wears the wedding rings of both her mothers-in-in law. And she wears them at the same time, all the time. One of Suzanne’s co-workers noticed them on Suzanne’s finger one day, and said they looked like old lady wedding rings. Which they are.

For 9 years, I have kept a pair of Dad’s broken reading glasses. And, a couple of years after his death, Mom gave me the last bar of soap that he used in his shower. I didn’t ask for it. How could I have guessed she had saved something like his soap? She just showed up to The Beach House with it one day. I keep it with his broken glasses. I’m sure I will keep the outfit shown above, as well. As it should be.

2 Replies to “Mom Sleeps Around”

  1. Waxing nostalgic. Love it. I’m a cross between Mom and Momo. I wear lounging pjs instead of nightie and kimono instead of caftan. Does that make me: Mo?

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