Magazines Happen

I meant to write a post this morning, but I made the mistake of looking at the new VOGUE magazine, and I fell right into it. When I finally climbed out of its pages, this is how I looked. The Halloween hair Bow Tie o’ the Day is certainly something I’d wear. But this “outfit”—I haven’t got a clue what it even purports to be. Is it a pajama top? Is it a snooty swimming suit? Is it formal scuba-wear? Is it simply whatever clothing can be formed out of bigly pleats and a bigly button? I hope it’s not supposed to be a cocktail dress. I’m investigating this further, but I can guarantee you that whatever I discover this outfit to be, it will cost an obscene amount of money. High fashion is like that.

FYI Just a few minutes ago, I visited the website where this piece of designer fashion is found. The website says it is a jacket. It costs only $6,700. Oh, goodie! I’ll be sure to pick up a dozen of them to give out as Christmas gifts this year.

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