If It’s A UTES Hat, I’m Wearing It

Tie o’ the Day #1 (another Stacy Adams) wanted to take a ride up to the grocery store today. The darn scamp kept putting items into the shopping cart when I wasn’t looking. 3 boxes of cereal, 2 packages of Twizzlers cherry pull ‘n’ peel licorice, 2 bags of potato chips, and a package of strawberry sugar wafers. It’s a good thing I find all of those things yummy. As for what I put in the cart: A steak and Diet Coke. All I can say is that if Tie is gonna put all that stuff in the shopping cart, it should certainly be generous enough to pull out its wallet and pay for it.😤

Also, Utes hat is courtesy of a company called Signatures. Go, UTES!!!

Oh, and I’m wearing another Bugatchi. Surprise, surprise.

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