I Mean It In A Good Way

TIE O’ THE DAY recognizes the power of words. Yup, the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Sometimes people use language to attempt to defeat our efforts to create a happy life. You women, especially, know how that “b”-word can get thrown at you at key moments of your triumphs. We mostly hear it when we step out of line to stand up for ourselves. We mostly hear it when we are inconveniencing the status quo— when we say, “Nope, I was not put on earth to always take care of everyone else but me.”

And so we learn to take back the b-word. We begin to wear it with pride. We wear it in the way only tough broads can. We learn to take it as a compliment. It is in this spirit that I fell in love with these socks. I decided to get a pair for each of the crafty bitches in my life, starting with Suzanne—Queen of the Crafty Bitches. She can craft up food, quilts, capes, scarves, etc. But as I tallied up all the crafty women I know, I realized—to my delight—almost all of the women I am related to, or otherwise consider friends, are of the same tough breed. There is no way I could afford to buy that many pairs o’ socks. The store where I found this pair certainly did not have enough to fill my order. So the photo of this pair is for all of you ladies who know what I’m talking about. May the b-word be with you!

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