I Got My 2nd Dose

I can now cross my COVID-19 vaccinations off my list. As of this morning, I am fully vaccinated. I wore my wood, lobster claws Bow Tie o’ the Day out to the Davis fairgrounds to get my second shot. Bow Tie got a couple of compliments from the clinic workers, and the guy I handed my documents to through my car window congratulated me on having manual windows in my car. He said he couldn’t remember when he last saw a vehicle with manual windows—and he’s the guy who sees all the cars as they line up. Folks, my Vibe is fourteen years old—and I know that’s a bit old for a car—but it runs perfectly and I still get 36 mpg, and I ain’t getting rid of it until I absolutely have to. The guy acted as if I was driving a classic antique car, with a much-coveted, near-extinct feature: an un-gadget, in an electronic world. I told him he could have a turn rolling the windows up and down if he wanted to, but he was too busy. And then I told him my car is really like those mini clown cars in the circus, from which—when the doors open—a parade of two dozen clowns comes traipsing out from who-knows-where. Hey, it could be true. My car is a magic relic.

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