I Feel Really Bad About It

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I are feeling useless this afternoon. Our flooring installation is Monday, and Suzanne forbade me from helping her move furniture and other objects from the area where the installers need to work. I know she’s right that I shouldn’t help, but it makes me uncomfortable to watch her heft and tote and pull and push stuff around. I was a bad girl anyway, and I moved three bottles of lotion and one container of baby powder from the ground floor to the second floor, at the same time–without Suzanne seeing, of course. I was trying to help. At the top of the stairs, I knew I should not have done it. And then I made the mistake of telling Suzanne what I had done and that I should have moved only two bottles at a time. I got THE LOOK, and I am now banished to The Kingdom of Sit-on-your-butt-and-watch-HOMICIDE-HUNTER:-LT.-JOE-KENDA. It’s one of my fave kingdoms, but I hate to be bossed into doing anything– even if it’s exactly what I want to do. It’s a pride thing, I suppose. And I feel like, for Suzanne’s sake, I should act a little put out and hurt about being banished from the moving action. But jeez, according to my hospital discharge papers, I’m allowed to lift 10 pounds by now. It is true that the papers also say every patient recovers at their own speed, and some should wait longer to lift objects more than 2 pounds. That means I’m still not allowed to lift the Mini-Keg yet. Very sad. BTW At this very moment, Suzanne is vacuuming the carpet which will be torn out for the flooring to be laid down. What the heck is the point of doing that? In less than 48 hours, the carpet will be ripped out and disposed of. Is she trying to impress the flooring workers with her perfect vacuum tracks? With her being kinda miffed at me already, I don’t dare ask her if she’s gonna shampoo it too. Hell, it’s crappy carpet anyway, which is why we’re getting rid of it in the first place. Ok. I’ll shut up about it now and watch more HOMICIDE HUNTER.

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