Helen Sr. And Her Grandbishop

Tie o’ the Day is worn by Bishop Travis– Mom’s favorite grandchild. Of course, each of Mom’s grandchildren is her favorite. Just ask each one, and they’ll tell you they’re THE favorite.

Mom has had quite the quorum of visitors since she’s taken up residence at MCR. The Delta clan and Delta friends, her sister– Rosalie, Rosalie’s daughter– Natalie, Ron and Marie, Betty and Kent, Travis and Collette, Judie Curtis, Julie Damron, and plenty more. I’ve visited her a few times myself. She’s been living there only about a month and has received a trail of guests already. She is not lonely. And if nobody from outside MCR ever went to visit Mom, she’d still not be lonely. Most of the other residents are her longtime friends. And the staff dotes on her. So many of them have grown up knowing her, and eating her various treat creations.

Man, is she happy there! We hoped she would be. We knew she would be if she decided to be. But the transition itself was tough for her– until she actually got there. Truth be told, it was probably harder on us kids. Hell, I say “kids” despite the fact that we’re a hop, ski, and a jump from being old enough to move in there with her. I’m the baby of the family and I’m fifty-damn-four. I’ve always known I’m a big baby.

Almost everybody thinks their mom is the Best. Mom. Ever. Likewise, I feel the same about Mom. As an adult, I once had a friend– who had met Mom only once– say to me, “I wish my mom loved me as much as your mom loves you.” I’ve had other friends who’ve met her only briefly say similar things. Mom’s love shows. I was born lucky, and I know it. Mom is just plain cool.

BTW  Check out Mom’s hair. It’s all did for the week. And yes, she still tells everyone she needs a permanent. She will start saying the same thing a week after she gets her next one.

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