Gettin’ Hairs Cut

We had big plans for last Saturday night, but we needed our hairs cut before we went out. I donned my hairscuttin’ scissors Bow Tie o’ the Day, and off Suzanne and I went to Great Clips Saturday afternoon, to have our hairs hacked off by the wondrous and skillful Miss Tiffany. I put Suzanne in charge of directing Miss Tiffany in the cutting of my mop, and she was excited about that. Suzanne was very adamant about how she wanted each of my hairs, so Miss Tiffany got to see a bossy side of Suzanne she had never seen before.

I was kinda surprised Suzanne ordered the construction of what is basically one of my fave, go-to asymmetrical cuts. She says it’s one of her faves on me, so that works out dandy for both of us— since we’re the only people who have to spend a great deal of time being in the same vicinity as my hairs.

Of course, y’all have to see my hairs in posts daily, so sorry about that if you aren’t a fan of my half-bald head. But it could be worse: I could try to grow it out again. Be grateful every day that I won’t put any of us through that disaster again.

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