Face The Facts

Here’s a snapshot of me last week, on Mother’s Day, eating alone on the patio at CURRENT. That was the day I won the award for Official Ass Of The World, because I’d had a tiff with Suzanne and then drove off to SLC to our Mother’s Day dinner without her. Yup, that day. Trust me, I was upset and contrite when I selfied this– even though I was also enjoying my halibut.

So this is a photo of just me and my old face and Bow Tie o’ the Mother’s Day. Remember, this whole tblog thing began with– and is centered around– the neckwear. My old, wrinkly face just happens to hover above whatever charming neckwear I sport at any given time. I might show up in almost every picture, but the ties and bow ties are the stars. They are the point of it all.

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