Every Piece Must go

I looked for my wood puzzle-piece Tie o’ the Day in the Tie Room this morning, and it was nowhere to be found— until I checked on the napping Skitter. Behold! I think Skitter is hinting she is a bit tired of us paying so much attention to the joy of puzzling lately. The Skit will have my undivided attention for hours now.

Suzanne says she will gladly pay the postage to ship the doggie doo-doo puzzle to anyone who wants it. She was a good sport to help put it together, and she laughed heartily about doing it. But she’d rather the puzzle live in somebody else’s house now. Be the first to dibs the 1000-piece marvel, and I’ll ship it to you for free— with Suzanne’s blessing.

I am the household Procurer o’ Puzzles, and I want you to know that the puzzle we’re putting together now is called THE CRAFT CUPBOARD. As I posted before, Suzanne deserves a medal for putting up with me. THE CRAFT CUPBOARD puzzle is her actual reward—with all its depictions of scissors and rulers and fabric and colored markers and yarn and paints and a gluttony of other misc. craftical notions.

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