Even The Ties Are Disappointed

Tie o’ the Day understands. We know what you came to see: The Ultimate SewingBox. Sorry to disappoint. Our scheduled assembler had to do other stuff last night, so he couldn’t come over and put together Suzanne’s new best friend. But he’s promised to be here tomorrow night to perform his miracle. Hey, he’s a young buck, so he has a lot of fish to fry, as they say. And there are a lot of fish in the sea, as they also say. And he has a right to sow his wild oats– as they also say. Okay, I’m done with the clichés now. We’re practicing our patience while anticipating the bigly outcome.

I decided to put together some autumn colors clash for the photo today. And in the photo you can also see a pile of boxes containing body parts of The Ultimate SewingBox. And, hey, it’s just one of the piles o’ parts.

When I assemble things– whether I use the instructions or not– the finished product does not in any way resemble what it’s supposed to be. At least I know that truth about myself. To be successful in life, a person’s gotta know their strengths and weaknesses. In fact, I don’t buy anything that must be assembled, unless I can think of some victim who will be willing to do it for me.

I don’t mind paying. Name your price. Hell, I’ll double it. I’ll bake you cookies. I’ll wash your car. I’ll have your babies. Just do it for me, please. And while you’re assembling the thing, I won’t stand over your shoulder and tell you how I think you should do it either. You are free to construct away. 🔨

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