But, Mom, What Do You Really Think?

Finally! We are caught up to today! Wednesday, Day Four, Garb #1. Shirt is by CHAPS, and ain’t it jail stripey? Even though these patterns clash, they clash matching-ly. Very nice look, if you ask me. And I suppose that if you’re reading this tblog, you are sort of asking me what I think.

What Mom thinks about things is never a mystery. She is not shy about opining about any topic. In fact, she’s even good at opining about non-topics (un-topics?). She doesn’t need something to talk about. She can just…well…talk.

I’ve been asked if I record Mom telling her stories. I probably should, but I don’t need to. Point at a house, a road, a store, or a person anywhere in Delta or on television. Throw me a topic, any topic. And I can tell you, word for word, Mom’s take on it. I can do the meanderings, mispronunciations, antecedent-less pronouns, etc. I can even tell you the stories in the exact ways her mind has recently mixed things up.

In her 86 years, she’s seen the most dynamic changes in the world’s history. I’m glad she has something to say about it all. That means she knows she’s still here, and that she knows she’s still actively part of the goings-on. You go, old girl! I mean– You stay, old girl!

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