Bow Tie Fun Is, As Bow Tie Fun Does

Date Night at Lagoon, chaperoned by Bow Tie o’ the Day. Suzanne wore her motion sickness patch, so we could ride the roller coasters and spinning rides. And every now and then we all need an evening of eating horrible, bad-for-you food. We found this tooth in Pioneer Village. Look at how much strength it took me to pull it from Sasquatch’s stinky mouth. I had to get flexy to accomplish the feat.

Note that I am wearing the smallest bow tie I have. It’s a safety matter when you’re near machinery.

Also note that I am wearing my Big, Fat, Ugly Shorts. They weigh 2.2 pounds, and have enormous pockets, making it possible to carry everything anyone might need when they’re out on an adventure.  Wearing them is like wearing a large purse. I’m a pack mule in them.  👛 🎠 🎡 🎢

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