Back In Business

My prescription Tie o’ the Day is a fitting prop to wear in this selfie which accompanies my first real post since Easter weekend. You see, my tblog “disapearance” began with what was supposed to be a somewhat minor adjustment to my medication routine for my bipolar brain. Occasionally, the same meds regimen that has kept the problem in-check in the past ceases to work as effectively. Sometimes an adjustment in dosage is all that’s necessary to put things back on track. Sometimes a more effective med can replace an older med that—for whatever reason—no longer keeps my mind from fighting with itself. Usually, the changes are relatively smooth and the side effects are minimal. Around Easter, in order to make what I felt was a much-needed alteration to my existing meds regimen, I was prescribed a med that was entirely new to me. That’s when I fell off the TIE O’ THE DAY map. For the next week, I wrote nothing. I read nothing. I could focus on nothing. I curled up into a pajama-covered ball in a corner of the love seat, where I clutched the armrest with both hands—my fingernails dug in tightly. It was going to be a bumpy ride. 😳 😱 Stay tuned for more.

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