Argyle and Stripes Go Together Like Argyle and Stripes

Monday, Day Two, Garb o’ the Day #2. You guessed it: Shirt’s a Bugatchi. I mentioned in the previous tblog that I have always felt at home in flannel shirts, even while wearing ties. But I find I am changing my shirt preferences in my old age. I’m likin’ dressier shirts, especially my gaggle of Bugatchi’s. I have no idea why this is happening, except to say I’m still a work-in-progress, so I’m assuming this must be some kind of progress.

Here’s a thing I left out of my Sunday morning tblog about grief: Multitudes of people get hung up on the question of how a benevolent god can allow so much human tragedy and its resulting suffering. This has never been a philosophical thunk-it I’ve gotten tripped up by. I’ve always thought that we are the ones who allow it. I think that human beings must take responsibility to fix the problems we human beings have created. And we are, in fact, the creators of most of the small and bigly matters that cause the grief that thrives in this world (excluding most, but not all, weather-related disasters). It is our job to fix what’s wrong. I don’t think it  is okay to surrender to the way things are, figuring “it will all be made right in the next life”. That is a cowardly way to think. I can’t solve everything. You can’t solve everything. But if every person on the planet immediately starts taking care of their particular stewardships, and if we help our neighbors do the same, things will immediately improve.

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