A Visit With Royalty

Because I had my mind stuck on Mom a few days ago, Bow Tie o’ the Day woke up Saturday morning and declared we were off to MCR. So we all got in Suzanne’s car and she drove us to the land of Deltabama, where Mom seemed mighty glad to see us.

Skitter did her usual curling up right by Mom, and Mom did her usual constant petting of Skitter. Mom and I did our same old Two Helen’s Telling Stories and Snort-Laughing routine. After a while, Suzanne left us and drove over to see her other Delta mother: Mom’s Crafts. When she came back to MCR, Suzanne showed Mom her new fabric, and then she lotioned Mom’s itchy legs. When it was time to leave, even Skitter wanted to stay with Mom.

It was such a simple day. And it was pretty much the same as every visit we make to Mom at MCR. We even laughed at a lot of the same ol’ family jokes and tales for the thousandth time. I am always amazed at how a day so “the same” and simple can feel like a kind of high Heaven.

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