A Day Of Rest. Same As Every Day Lately, For Me.

Church Bow Tie o’ the Day rode with me to Spanish Fork to meet my Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless. I picked her up and we cruised to Provo, to Bishop Travis’ ward. (Yes, I drove that sorta bigly trip all by my li’l ol’ self.) Meeting my SWWTRN is always a highlight, cuz it’s the only time I get to spend time with her, since I rarely travel to Delta anymore. Whenever I was in Delta, she and I– and Mom– attended Sacrament Meeting every Sunday. Sitting in a chapel pew not talking with people you love is a pretty good way to aid you in getting a spiritual bump. I highly recommend it. And having a not-talking conversation like that can help fortify the relationship you have with whoever you sit. I call these kinds of pow-wows “not-conversations.”  A not-conversation doesn’t have to happen only in church though. You and whoever you choose to not-conversate with can have a not-conversation anywhere you please. I don’t recommend it as the only type of talking you engage in. If you did that, you would bore each other into wanting to run screaming across the Delta overpass. And you wouldn’t learn much about the person you’re with or what they think. I can tell you from my own experience that Suzanne and I have sometimes had not-conversations during which we both started laughing at the same time. Heck, we probably think the exact same funny things, at the exact same time in our separate heads. Ah, the mystical magic of not-conversations.


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