A Colorful Winter’s Day

Not only did my new golf pants arrive, but so did my pink-and-orange argyle vest! My crossword Bow Tie o’ the Day tops the geometrics of my attire. And a paisley shirt lifts the clashion to superb-ity on yet an even higher level of style. I love an outfit like this. There is simply no way anything can discourage me or sadden me as I be-bop through the world when I am dressed like this. I highly recommend it to y’all. If I had to describe what my preferred fashion is to someone in 4 words, I would say it is “dressing loud and happy.” Of course, if anybody asks me to describe my fashion aesthetic tomorrow, I will likely describe the look in 4 entirely different words—because I’ll be wearing something completely different then. I’m fickle like that, but only concerning my wardrobe.

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