A Bunch Of Steps Forward, One Step Back

I’m wearing as many horseshoes as Bow Tie o’ the Day can display. My goal is to summon good luck from every avenue possible– to make be feel better again. I’ve been thinking I might even conjure up a witch potion or voodoo spell, just for good measure. I think I have a cookbook for those concoctions somewhere. I am in my second day of being MISERABLE, after weeks of improving every day. I’m not worried. I’ll be fine when whatever this is passes. However, maybe it’s a sign I need to slow down in getting back to my chores and normal activities, so I’ll try to ease up on proving I’m all better. This photo shows you my activity for the day. Here I am, vegetating on my recliner. I’ve got my pillows strategically placed around my belly, and I’ve got my Roy Rogers/Dale Evans pillowcase covering the pillow behind my head. Suzanne made the pillowcase for me, of course. And she also made me the Grinch blanket which is warming me. I like the blanket so much that I use it all year, not just at Christmas. BTW Y’all are probably tired of reading about my surgery and recovery for the last two months. I’m sorry. I’m sick of the topic too, but it’s what my days– and the ties’ days– are/have been filled with. The neckwear and I are eager to embark on actual adventures we can share. We wanna do stuff. We wanna be more interesting to ourselves and to you folks. Stay tuned. We’re working on it.

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