Forgot My Mask

This is my first flannel Bow Tie O’ The Day of this Fall-ish time. The morning was a touch chilly. I had to drive to the Farmington Health Center to take my random, but twice-yearly pee test—to make sure my meds are in my body and illicit drugs are not. Yes, I passed. I always do. I’m boring that way. But when I got to the door of the building, the sign saying I needed to wear a mask hit me smack between the eyes: I did not have a mask with me. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten the mantra: MUST. STILL. WEAR. MASK. IN. MEDICAL. BUILDINGS. I dashed back to my jalopy truck to peek in the glove box in search of a face mask. In the glove box, I found three spare bow ties, and a pair of old binoculars, but there was no hint of a mask.

You know darn well I have a bazillion face masks, and you know I have no shame about wearing them. To me, wearing a face mask is just another chance to show off more fashion choices. This was only the second time in the two years of the pandemic I have made this mistake. What’s a girl with a mask-naked face to do? I took a chance the facility still had disposable masks, so I snuck in through the front doors. I tried to look as masked as I possibly could. I was wearing the Emperor’s New Mask, so to speak. I slinked right over to the “Welcome” kiosk, where I’ve seen disposable masks on previous visits. All of the face masks for adults were gone. But there was one kid-size temporary mask there, which I immediately stretched across my face. Then I strutted down the hall to the lab like, “Nothing to see here. Except my mask. Yeah, I’ve got my mask on. You didn’t see me without one. I am always prepared with my face mask.”

The face mask is cute, but it was a too-tight fit behind my ears. I swear—the mask’s straps squeezed the tubes of my hearing aids to the point that I could not hear most of what was said to me while I was in the building. I nodded whenever it looked like someone was speaking in my direction. It’s a good thing I’m familiar with the pee-testing process: I knew right where to go and what to do. When I got back out to my vehicle and took off the mask, it felt every bit as freeing as when I take off my bra for the day. Ahhhhh. My errand was done. I went, I peed, I conquered. 😷

TIE O’ THE DAY Yells: Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Yoohoo! Alert! Hey! News flash! Whoa! Hold your horses! Update! Put your listening ears on! Give me your attention, please! Listen up! Now hear this! Yo! Give heed! Hear all about it! Update! Read my lips! Mark my words! All ears this way! Hear me now! Breaking news! Ears up, people! Focus on my words! I have an announcement to make! Let the bells ring out! Let the word go forth! Attention, K-mart shoppers!

I wanted to make sure I have your undivided attention before I make the following proclamation: Ford has informed me my 2022 Maverick has finally been BUILT and is waiting to be shipped to me! Delivery date is expected to be in the range of October 5-11! My fingers, toes, and what’s left of my pancreas are all crossed in hope and anticipation for its safe arrival! Obviously, I am excited! I am so excited I might have to buy panty shields for the first time in my life!

FYI I sincerely promise that you will never again see a post from me in which every sentence is punctuated by an exclamation mark! Exclamation marks are my second least favorite punctuation mark to use!