More Handy Made-up Neckwear

Because I’m allergic to bee and wasp bites, this magnet-and-spray-can Bow Tie o’ the Day can be my first line of defense when I’m out on the deck or patio this summer. If the spray fails me and I get stung, I can use my EpiPen Tie o’ the Day to give myself a life-saving shot, so I can continue to breathe. Breathing is pretty much necessary if I want to stay alive to create TIE O’ THE DAY hijinks. 🐝 👃 🐽

More Bowxperiments To Come

I once again seem to be in the mood to experiment with my t-shirt bow tie magnets. This flyswatter Bow Tie o’ the Day not only looks casually dapper, but it’s a practical way to have a flyswatter handy when chillin’ in the great outdoors this time o’ year. Just “thwack” and replace!