This Pose

You see me pose like this often when I’m showing off neckties. I like to call it my “bobblehead pose.” It makes my head look bigly, and my chicken legs appear even toothpicky-er than they actually are. It makes my physical outline cartoonish, aside from my attire. But for TIE O’ THE DAY purposes, it is simply a superb pose for highlighting a necktie-type Tie o’ the Day in its full magnificence. This pose keeps a necktie front-and-center in the viewer’s sight. So this pose is not going away anytime soon. Besides, whenever I take the time to set up my little tripod and attach my phone to it—and then I squat-bend down and stick my face up close to the camera lens, it makes me feel sort of like an actual bobblehead. Believe me, it is a silly and funky feeling. It chippers me right up, even if I’m already in a good mood. In short, I must admit that I quite enjoy the bobblehead vibe the pose makes me feel. 🤡

FYI Due to lighting, shadows, and shirt collar issues, the “bobblehead pose” does not always capture the full essence of bow ties nearly as well as it shows off neckties. A bow tie can easily get lost or obscured behind and/or under my chin when I’m striking this pose.

BTW Make sure you take a second to notice this Shirt o’ the Day which is covered in Christmas-themed kitties and doggies.