
I told you I’d show you Suzanne’s new rug as soon as it got delivered. Well, today is Tuesday, and it was delivered on Saturday morning. It remains in its delivery state. I don’t know why. Before it showed up, I swept and mopped the floor where it’s going to be spread out to live with us. And yet, it remains under wrap. Now, I could do the simple thing and ask Suzanne when she plans to unfurl it. I could ask her why it still looks like a giant’s cigar is on our living room floor. But I won’t. It’s more fun for me to speculate about it. I can make bets with myself about how long it will take her to decide it’s time roll it out. Will today be the day? On the other hand, it wouldn’t surprise me if Suzanne is waiting to see how long it will take me before I can’t stand it anymore and I finally ask her if we can situate the new rug. One of us will speak up first, but it’s not going to be me.

But for now, Skitter is doing her impression of a mighty mountain goat and wearing her blueberry/strawberry/blackberry Tie o’ the Day. Please note Skitter’s tail between her legs as she climbs the frightening heights o’ the rug.