The 4th Is Today, Even Though It Was Also Yesterday

Since the 4th of July falls on a Sunday this year, many Utah celebrations happened yesterday on the 3rd. I’m flexible about such things, but in my deep heart, I would much rather honor bigly, date-specific holidays on their actual dates. But like I said, I’m ultimately easily bendy about the whole scheduling of official holiday observances—which is a good thing, because nobody listens to me about it anyway.

We, here at TIE O’ THE DAY, are blessed and proud to add our voices to the Birthday Greetings heard around the world, in honor of our country’s existential and political independence. I am humbled on this day, every year. I am humbled because I know my citizenship here is a matter of nothing more than luck. I did absolutely nothing to earn the rights and responsibilities that belong to me as an American citizen: I merely happened to be born on this soil—into freedom and safety. I see it as one of my life’s jobs to add positive pieces to the America which I inherited simply by being born in it one day in 1964. I want to improve it, to nurture its ideals. My little contribution is so small. So is yours, probably. But added together, our little works can make ringing and lasting statements—giving lifeblood to an ever-living, ever-changing home called the USA. Like my Delta Elementary School librarian, Mrs. Crafts, always said as she greeted our classes in the hall before we could enter the library, “Leave this place better than you found it.” Today—while considering my love for my country—I wholeheartedly second that admonition.

Suave Skitter chose a perfect tie for the 4th.
What we saw from our bedroom deck.

Got Spit?

Suzanne and I decided to see what our DNA might tell us about ourselves. I have occasionally wondered what fascinating things my DNA could tell me that I don’t already know about my physical self. I can’t imagine what things they might be, but I’m always up for learning more about everything and everybody, including myself sometimes.

Let me be honest here: I am up for learning about ALMOST everything. Take soccer, for example. I am not now—nor have I ever been—one smidgen bit interested in soccer, and I’m positive I won’t ever care to be interested in soccer. I would rather watch more exciting happenings, like the proverbial paint drying—or soil erosion.

Anyhoo… Suzanne and I each spent a few minutes yesterday spitting our DNA into individual tubes. I initially thought of taking TIE O’ THE DAY photos of our spittin’-in-a-test-tube scene. But even I got oogy at the thought of seeing photographic evidence of that. Instead, I’m simply regaling you with the fact that we did it.

Today, stars-and-stripes Bow Tie o’ the Day and I mailed off the tiny tubes o’ spittle for genetic testing. I am certain that my DNA will not reveal the existence of any bigly family secrets about my parentage. I happen to resemble my parents oh-so very remarkably. I am, in fact, somehow the spittin’ (pun intended) image of both of my soon-to-be-scientifically-proven parents, simultaneously. I am certainly hoping my genetic code might reveal something about the sustainability of my Cranky Hanky Panky, or any other mutant organs or systems which possibly inhabit my body. Of course, I will keep y’all updated on the good, the bad, and any ugly the tests say my DNA contains. It’s what I do.

My Patriotic Pooch

With no prompting from me, the inimitable Skitter went up into the Tie Room today and came out with her fave 4th of July prop: a painted wood Bow Tie o’ the Day. Around these parts, we wholeheartedly get into the spirit of whatever holiday is upon us. And, thankfully, there is always another holiday just around time’s corner.

BTW In case you can’t tell, I enjoy catching Skitter in mid-yawn for photos.