Just Relax

The ocean relaxes me. So do lakes and rivers and creeks and lawn sprinklers. If it’s moving water which I can sit and look at, it’ll do. Sailboats-and-lighthouses Bow Tie o’ the Day symbolizes what I miss most about living on the east coast: the easy access I had to the Atlantic Ocean. (No, this is not another post about the nudist beach in Delaware where I spent some time.) The skies and sunsets of Millard County are my spirit’s home, but the beaches of DelMarVa (Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia) somehow haunt my thoughts — in a deeply cosmic way I am still unable to articulate. I’m working on understanding and explaining it more accurately, so I’ll get back to you on that.

And speaking of relaxation — On our little foray to R. C. Willey a few days ago, I found the absolute perfect chair for Suzanne. She works long days in the salt mines of Education, and that translates into a number of aches and pains in her body. And, unlike me, she’s getting older. 🤡 Our bodies were born programmed to die, you know. The massage chair pictured here works you over from head to literal toes. When I showed it to her, she jumped right in and tried out every one of its functions. I couldn’t get her to get out of it. At some point, I had flashbacks to when my wee ones wanted to stay on the electric horse ride on the sidewalk in front of the grocery store, and they would cry and cling to the reins until you could wrangle the reins out of their sticky kid hands. I was sure Suzanne was going to have a similar tantrum if I had to drag her out of the chair. I was getting myself ready to promise her a candy bar if she’d go quietly with me to the car. I was getting ready to promise Suzanne a new toy, if she would leave the chair without me having to peel her out of it.

I so wanted to buy the massage chair for her. I checked my wallet and my pockets. I told her I left my change at home, so I didn’t happen to have the $6,499.99 on me right then. In the end, Suzanne exited the chair with her recently chair-massaged dignity, trying to act like the adult she is. I told her I’m saving for the chair in the Bee-Pig Piggy Bank. I’m sure I’ll have the necessary amount of spare change to buy it sometime around the middle of Eternity.

A Trip To Layton

Disco ball Tie o’ the Day was my choice for an outing we took Saturday to R. C. Willey. For Suzanne’s birthday a few week’s ago, I told her to pick out a rug — any rug she wants — for the living room and that would be my birthday gift to her. She knows I am not a rug person, and I know she is very much a rug person. In fact, rugs might be the bigliest topic on which we are divided. I think I can coexist with rugs more easily than Suzanne can live without them, so I will bend on this matter.

Anyhoo… So, knowing that she would want to haul off to the new R. C. Willey in Layton, I went to their website. I scrolled through their whole selection: 304 different rugs (not including shag rugs). I put three rug possibilities in my virtual “shopping cart” for later reference. I thought each of them would “work” with our flooring. One of them was red and had Suzanne written all over it. If I had gone to pick out a rug for her myself, it’s the one I would have brought home. But, hey, it’s her gift, so it’s hers to choose.

At R. C. Willey, we were each going through every hung rug they had. I finished going through them before Suzanne was done, so I was getting ready to wander off while she made her choice. I went to her to tell her I was off to check out other sections of the store, and she said, “I found this rug I want to show you. It’s red.” “Show me,” I said. Oh, you know where this is heading. I looked at the rug, pulled out my phone with its virtual shopping cart, and said, “See. It’s the first one I picked out for you.” Yes, we know each other that well. It’s true that I could have saved a lot of time by ordering the rug and having it delivered when I first saw it, but saving time is not always the point. Spending time is sometimes the point. That’s how you get to know someone so well in the first place.

BTW I will post a pic of the red rug after it’s delivered in a couple of weeks.