Nuts, And Bolts, And Screws—Oh My!

I’ve got a wood-lookin’ fabric, nuts-and-bolts-and-screws Bow Tie o’ the Day to offer y’all. Purple butterfly Face Mask o’ the Day had me covered when I erranded at the bank and the grocery store. Beyond that, I’ve been unable to concoct a story or sermon for you. Even as I type this post, Skitter has her muzzle on my laptop, which makes typing tough. She has a very bad infection or something going on in her left ear, and she thinks she has to have my complete attention. You know how kids are when they don’t feel good. They neeeeeeeed you to be right there suffering along with them. Skitter’s been like a clingy dryer sheet to me all day. Thank the heavens her vet is squeezing us in, first thing in the morning.