I chose to wear world map Bow Tie o’ the Day for our flight from SLC to Albuquerque, New Mexico yesterday. You might remember we were in ABQ for a week almost exactly a year ago, for Suzanne’s work. I tourist-ed while she worked-ed. That’s when I went on my balloon ride. But all we did in ABQ this time was land at the airport and rent a car. Even Suzanne is on vacay, and so we drove up to Taos for the week. We hope to do nothing. We have no plans.

Candy Corn Bow Tie On A Shelf o’ the Day (Can I make names any longer? Probably.) stared out the plane window the entire flight to ABQ. And then at the ABQ airport, Candy Corn Bow Tie found a dog to play with. Woof! Like Helen Jr., like Candy Corn Bow Tie.

2 More Pix Of Our Visit With Mom

My Tie o’ the Day for our visit with Mom last Friday was full of a spooky bunch of ghosts and pumpkins. Please gloss right over the dopey look on my face, and turn your attention to Mom and Skitter looking adoringly into each other’s eyes.

In the second pic, Skitter is apparently being a model while I’m taking a photo of the two Halloween pillows Suzanne made for Mom. Skitter is a photobomber.