I Suppose I’ll Be Forever Stumped About This

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I are trying to make it all make sense. After a summer of yard sales, of dozens of donations to thrift stores, of oodles o’ loads o’ junk thrown into the bins at the garbage dump, and of just plain giving things away—how do we still possess so much stuff for which we have no need nor place? ‘Splain that to me, Lucy! At least we keep the C-ville Deseret Industries stocked up with silly bits o’ tid!

A Spoiled Little Gal, Roxy Is!

Roxy models Tie o’ the Day for us here, as her way of guaranteeing I will find her so adorable that I must give her exactly what she wants: TUMMY RUBS. Her tummy is as wide and long as the Mississippi River, so providing Ms. Roxy with all the t-rubs she wants could be a full-time job if I let it—which I won’t. I mean—other critters need tummy rubs too. 🐃🐢🐒🦍🐪🐇🦑🐨🐸