Redneck Is, As Redneck Does

Rosy Bow Tie o’ the Day is a velvety wonder. Trust me—velvet works with redneck style. Think: Bright paintings of Elvis on black velvet. Personally, I’ve never owned a black velvet painting of any kind. However, I did once own a sculpted portrait of The Three Wise Men, constructed out of macaroni glued to an empty cardboard fabric bolt, then completely spray-painted gold. (My grandma, Zola, created it.)

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to be a redneck. I am a highly educated redneck, it’s true. But I have never allowed my advanced education to lessen my redneck IQ. I have proudly had an old couch on my front porch at times—to provide plenty of cushioned room for any stray guests who might redneckly drop by without invitation or warning. (Yes, on the infamous Delta porch.) I have also had an old mattress on my front porch, reserved for my passel of mutts and any cats, goats, toads, or wandering fowl in the neighborhood. And as a redneck bonus, I can fix anything mechanical with duct tape and/or baling wire. My redneck dad taught me well.

One Good Swimming Suit Deserves Another

Tie o’ the Day knows this is my second favorite swimming suit. Despite being a forever red-and-white Delta Rabbit, I prefer the look of the sleeved green-and-white swimming suit I posted this morning. However, it has one draw-back: Its sleeves prevent onlookers from seeing my first and fave tattoo, which lives on my right upper arm. Yes, it’s my TATTOO tattoo, which I got over 30 years ago. I wanted a tattoo, but I had no idea what I wanted my tat to be. I like words, so TATTOO was an easy idea to come up with. The tattooist thought I was nuts, but oh well. Over the years, my simple TATTOO tat has gotten more attention than all of my other tats combined. People ask me to explain it, so I tell them what I just told you, and I say the idea fell out of my odd, bipolar head.I have 5 tattoos at this point. 4 of them are words. The other is a bee on my shoulder in honor of my dad, St. Ron of the Bees. One of my tattoos is not for public display. (Don’t even ask.) Right before the pandemic shut things down, I had made an appointment at a nearby tattoo studio to get two more words etched into my flesh. I’m hoping the tattoo studio will re-open soon. When it does, I’m sure I’ll do a post for y’all about the two words and the whole inky ordeal. Me? Write a post about something going on in my life—past, present, and/or future? Surprise, surprise!BTW I’m not wearing my cowboy boots in this photo, but I am wearing my Sloggers cow boots. They’re kinda sorta almost not really the same thing.🤠

I Don’t Need Much To Be Happy

Some days, all it takes to make me grin is to gussy up in a gorgeous Tie o’ the Day and a plaid Face Mask o’ the Day. I’m headed out to Dick’s Market—grocery list in hand. This particular tie is like a good omen to me. It always puts me in a why-worry? kind of mood.

O’ The Day

Another wood Bow Tie o’ the Day clashes bigly with both my shirt and what I will call my Face Mask o’ the Day. Face Mask comes from Beau Ties Ltd. of Vermont, my bow tie company. I call it “my” bow tie company because I order my non-wood bow ties almost exclusively from them. They are a small business, with skillful seamstresses. If you want them to, they can even take your favorite necktie and turn it into a flawless bow tie.

In mid-March, with Beau Tie Ltd.’s employees making bow ties in their homes, they also began to create homemade fashionable face masks. And now the company has begun to make matching bow tie/face mask sets—none of which I plan on purchasing, cuz that would be too much matchiness for me to wear.

Anyhoo… Get ready to enjoy a bonus helping of Face Masks o’ the Day on the tblog posts for the near future. No matter which side of The Great Face Mask Debate o’ 2020 you find yourself on, I think you’ll like the stylish masks.