I Need A Trim

How do I know I need a trim? Because only two weeks after I got them shaved, my head hairs are already long enough to hold my shamrock hair clips. Green Bow Tie o’ the Day is kinda grass-like in its fabric design. It does remind me of hilly fields in Ireland. And I’ll tell you a secret: The last item on my Bucket List is to die on one of the Aran Islands in western Ireland. If I have to die—and we all do—that’s the place I wanna be when I do it. Well, today that’s where I want to die, anyway. The place designated in the last item on my Bucket List changes often.

Folks, I am so stoked to be able to visit Mom in her room at Millard Care and Rehab tomorrow. I have not been able to concentrate on much else, since I got the news this morning that visitors are again allowed to hang with the residents. Things are not back to normal-normal. For example, visitors are allowed to visit their person only in their person’s room. That’s fine by me. All I need is a hug from my mother, and she probably needs one from me after a year. I know for a fact that she needs a hug from Skitter. Skitter will jump up on Mom’s bed, curling up against Mom’s leg to nap just like she belongs there. Mom will then coo at Skitter, and pet her the entire time we’re visiting. Helen Sr. will be so overjoyed to see Skitter that I’ll be lucky to steal a few hugs from the grand old broad.

Seriously, although I turned 57 last week, this afternoon I feel more like just the 7. The thought of seeing Mom in person—and being able to touch her—has got me feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve. I won’t sleep a wink tonight.

Oh, Happy Day!

I was culling through my St. Patrick’s Day props this morning when I took a break to check my email. Glory be! I got an email informing me that Millard Care And Rehab is finally allowing visitors again. I CAN NOW HUG THE STUFFIN’ OUT OF MOM FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER A YEAR!!! You can bet I’m planning a road trip for Skitter and me to Deltabama ASAP. I’m so excited that only a bigly Bow Tie o’ the Day like this one is bigly enough to illustrate my mood. ‘Scuse me while I go cry for joy and fill a box with treats to take to Mom.

Leprechaun? She’s More Like A LepreMom

Since I already posted a photo of Mom and the very tall green hat for a bit o’ pre-St. Patrick’s Day levity this morning, I’ll go ahead and finish the day by posting a snapshot of Mom and her equally amusing Tie o’ the Day. (And another Hat o’ the Day.) This is from St. Paddy’s Day 2018, when she was staying here with us in Centerville. I’ve posted both pix before, but nobody gets tired of them. BTW Mom has the bluest eyes.

My Mother Is My Leprechaun

Here’s a photo of Mom wearing a St. Paddy’s Hat o’ the Day, in March of 2016, while dropping by to visit me at my Delta house. You can see where I get it. And by “it,” I mean high fashion style, coupled with an I’m-here-to-entertain-you attitude. I love Mom.

Virus Alert!

Wood Bow Tie o’ the Day and I are pleased to introduce you to my latest Face Mask o’ the Day, which is covered in models of the specific coronavirus which creates COVID-19. Yup, because I acquired this mask, I can truthfully say I recently got COVID-19—kinda, sorta. Trust me—I’m very well aware that I’m having a much better experience dealing with my fabric virus than those who have gotten the real virus. I get through the stresses and inconveniences of the pandemic by utilizing the same tools I use to get through any predicament: factual information and humor. Those two tools will work for anyone, I promise.

A Bumper Sticker For My Birthday

Thank’s, y’all, for the bounty of birthday wishes you graced me with yesterday! I am humbled to think anyone would take the time to acknowledge the occasion of my birth. I am blessed beyond what I deserve.One of the birthday presents Suzanne gave me yesterday was a pair of these trilobite bumper stickers for my vehicles. I knew that for this TIE O’ THE DAY photo, I simply had to pair the bumper sticker with my arrowhead Bow Tie o’ the Day. The bumper sticker’s trilobite stirred so many childhood memories of hanging out in the west desert with Dad and Popo, where I often searched for trilobites and arrowheads and geodes—and dead animal skulls. I knew there had to be some hidden meaning behind Suzanne’s cool gift, so I asked her why she chose this particular sticker to give me on my 57th birthday. She explained it was her way of declaring to me and to everyone who sees the sticker on my car that I am officially an old fossil. 🤣 ‘Nuff said. Maybe she’ll give me a dinosaur bone on my next birthday.

My Permanent Record

As regular TIE O’ THE DAY readers probably already know, except for the bee tattoo in honor of my dad, all my tats are words. I’ve been feeling the need for a couple of new permanent words on my skin, and today was the day my plan came to fruition. Thanks to my new tattoo guy, Cameron, at Punctured Piercing and Tattoo, in Bountiful. Now, when we can all freely give real hugs again, I will be wrapping whoever I hug in the literal “kindness” and “empathy” of my arms. Go forth and continue to commit genuine niceness, folks!

Good Morning, Pals!

It’s just another TIE O’ THE DAY day in the neighborhood. Personally, I can’t wait to see what trouble I can get into. Whatever it is, I’m dressed to create it.👑🕶✏️

A Very, Very Serious Food Tragedy

So along comes the afternoon, and I realized I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch yet. Bow Tie o’ the Day and I were famished. My tummy had a hankering for a sammich—a BLT sammich, to be precise. I cooked my bacon and rounded up my bread and mayo. Lo and behold, I discovered we were out of both lettuce and tomatoes. I did not want to run to the store to buy just lettuce and a tomatoes. I was left in a hangry quandary. What to do? (I have such bigly problems, eh?) I oh-so grudgingly decided to go ahead with my original eatin’ plan, as best I could. Sometimes we just have to muddle through and make do with what we have, folks. Oh, I struggled to envision a lettuce-free, tomato-free BLT! Would I be able to even gag down a mere B sammich? Well, somehow, I finally did manage to eat my B sammich. I wasn’t completely sure how yummy it was, so I made and ate a second one just to be sure of my own opinion. I think I liked it, but I better make myself a third B sammich for dinner tonight—to settle the matter, once and for all.🥓🍞😉