I’m Teed Off That I Feel Yucky

This evening’s Tie o’ the Day brings us a hip golfer. I don’t have a tidbit or tale to tell about it. I simply haven’t felt up to snuff all day, and I haven’t got the oomph to write even a small guffaw in this post. But I still wanted to grace you with a second, lush Tie o’ the Day to gaze upon. I’m sure I’ll be back to sarcasm and snark tomorrow. ☹️

Bow Tie O’ The Day Saves Any Outfit From Ridicule

That moment when– although you’ve gussied up in Bow Tie o’ the Day and your pimp vest and a gorgeous Bugatchi shirt and an ear-warming hat to go to Walmart– you realize you’re one of those People of Walmart, who belongs on the website of the same name, to be mocked. And then… that next moment, when you realize that first moment was just plain foolishness. Of course, you’re not one of THEM. You’re one of the Great, Infinite Us. You’re you. 🤡 There really is no THEM.