Author o’ the Tblog

Me? I write this tblog from The Traveling Tumbleweed Ranch, in West Central Utah, as well as from my lofty loft on the Wasatch Front. I’m a native of this state, but spent the 90’s in the Baltimore/Washington area. I had a rip-roarin’ fantastic time there, but I’ve never felt quite like myself outside of this landscape. The Utah sky thoroughly owns me. And gravel roads in the desert? I’m there, spinning up dust.

I graduated from Weber State University when it was still a college. I did the Graduate School thing at The University of Utah, in the area of Creative Writing. I studied with Mark Strand, Francine Prose, Francois Camoin, David Kranes, and a slew of other incredible writers/teachers. I also did some Graduate School work in Education while in Maryland, at The University of Maryland–Baltimore County. Said school’s mascot/animal is the Labrador. It was kismet.

I taught writing courses at The University of Utah and at Salt Lake Community College. I taught Creative Writing and Computer Literacy at a middle school in Baltimore City. And then I got out of the teaching game, to focus full-time on the writing game.

I am primarily a poet, although I write a respectable story. I’ve published for the last thirty-five years. This foray into putting some of my work on an electronic platform is a new adventure for me. If I like it, I’ll stick with it. If I don’t, I will go exclusively old school again. I must admit that I do have some Luddite tendencies. ✏️

But tblogging has been a hoot so far. Stick with Tie o’ the Day if you wanna guffaw at least once a day. I will try not to swear in my posts. 😱